I've just completed reading my Josephine B. Trilogy, and now I came across this wonderful postcard Nancy gifted me. It is addressed to Marie Antionette, could it be? anyway, I chose this for my Postcard Friendship Friday because, my son who is away on coarse with the military, has called me more times than he would have if he were here locally, perhaps an angel is whispering in his ear. "Call your mom, she misses you". I think even though he is lonely for his friends, and most probably for his bed, and his own shower, he is having a great time. They built a bridge this week, (like on the River Kwai" He always wanted to do that with toothpicks, except the cat kept knocking it down.
He claims the conditions are comparable to those in the movie, tents, in blistering heat, a lot of rain and most certainly mosquitoes. (This is my princess of boys, he likes clean, and gourmet, he's so fussy the elastic in his underwear has to be specific,)" The food is horrible," he says, "they use plastic cheese in their sandwiches, and white boring bread. " Hmmm ... I've been thinking of building a bridge across my pond! Wonder if he learned to whistle?
LOLOL you made me belly laugh with that line about the toothpick bridge and the cat knocking it down. You have such a unique "voice" in your writing, Irene. I love it. God bless your dear boy and God bless you!
ROFL! I remember that movie so well and whistling the tune. Hope your son endures the rigors of military camping OK. God bless him for his service!
Lovely card with the angel whispering. Your son sounds like an outstanding person!
Lovely card... MARIE could it be???? Thanks for sharing you son's story. PLEASE let him know how thankful we are for his service!
Hi Irene,
fantastico film e fantastica melodia fischiata !
Nei momenti di difficoltà dovremmo forse ricordarci di queste immagini !
Buona giornata.
Da oggi sono finalmente in ferie :-))
Hope he returns with bridge building skills, not too many mosquito bites and is back with you soon. Thank you for sharing and lovely card too.
My daughter is also away on military assignment, but just outside Chicago. She calls a lot too; her choice, yea! (especially since she got her bluetooth working). LOL, I'd worry if she didn't, now I've gotten used to her calling often.
Lovely post with postcard and your son. I laughed at the toothpick bridge! Blessings to your son and to you. Happy PFF.
I can't even imagine what life is like in the military, but I am so not cut out for that. I'm in awe of those who so willingly serve (and have two nephews who are doing so - one is a cook on a sub, the other going into the marines this fall).
I've got a son like that too! Blessings to both of you.
Seems like the armed forces isn't the best place for a picky kid!!! I'm sure the rations won't quite live up to his expectations ... ever!
Oh my gosh Irene! This is too much. I have watched so many war movies with my Dad and Grandpa and this was tops on the list. Not sure if your son would appreciate the humor at the moment, but once he is back home I am sure he will.
Plus if you can't complain to mom, who can you complain too :)
I send him good wishes.
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