Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake...

The Book I Read: The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, Aimee Bender
2 Words that Describe the book I read: a haunting, self discovery/coming of age. (is that a genre)
3. Settings where it took place and characters you met. Rose the main character of the novel, has a unique gift. As the novel progresses we discover that it's not just Rose who is gifted but ... can't tell you more you must read it to discover, but other than the characters the story takes place in California, Rose grows up, falls for her older brothers best friend,and finds she is left at home, trying to fit in.
4. Things I liked or disliked about the book: I loved Rose, I even liked and believed her gift. I empathized with her about her mother's issues and her lack of connection with her dad. I understood her older sibling. I also understood her falling for her brothers friend.
But what I didn't like was how the author dealt with Joseph, Rose's brother's gift. I would have like to think her editor would have said, leave him more of a mystery, and we'll do a book about Joseph. As a matter of fact there was a chapter that started about Joseph and then what happened?
5 Stars or less for my rating. I read this book on the recommendation of Vicki, I think, I needed a break from The Tudor, and I really enjoyed it. Did you ever read a book and think I wish I had not read that chapter, it just killed that book. Well that was it for me, here. I liked the overall experience but found that particular part of the book a little far fetched. So this book gets a 3.5 stars: Make Time For This One.I it Read purely for my own enjoyment. Dealt with subjects I have a weakness for.( lemmon cake) Had the potential to be great but ... Saw flashes of genius but...
This meme is a concept of That's a Novel Idea currently hosted by Find Your Next Book Here.


Jenny said...

I have a weakness for lemon anything. Just the title of that book makes my mouth water. Happy Sunday, dear Irene!

Jenners said...

I keep seeing this book around and the premise sounds interesting to me. I'll probably get around to it one of these days. So many books, so little time!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.