Skippy Dies, Paul Murray
I had not intended to comment on this book, but that was when I was barely 1/2 way through. WELL, I'm sure my review will not do justice to this very good book. I'm linking to Jenners post/review of this book, because I know I will not do a better job. All I can say is it's a chunckster, and I almost didn't finish, but I needed to, and if you can imagine I hunkered down under my blankie today, when my son left for work and only stopped between chapters to put sauce on and a load of laundry in and continued until I finished. Unlike Jenners, I read this in paperback, from the library, to which I now owe a fine. I told you it was a chunckster. I don't know if Paul Murray has written anything else, but I'll not be looking for more just yet, I need to process. I'm giving this book a 5 out of 5. It was long, but it did not disappoint, now I have to go back and finish the other series Jenners and Nise recommended, The Knife of Never Letting Go.
I had not intended to comment on this book, but that was when I was barely 1/2 way through. WELL, I'm sure my review will not do justice to this very good book. I'm linking to Jenners post/review of this book, because I know I will not do a better job. All I can say is it's a chunckster, and I almost didn't finish, but I needed to, and if you can imagine I hunkered down under my blankie today, when my son left for work and only stopped between chapters to put sauce on and a load of laundry in and continued until I finished. Unlike Jenners, I read this in paperback, from the library, to which I now owe a fine. I told you it was a chunckster. I don't know if Paul Murray has written anything else, but I'll not be looking for more just yet, I need to process. I'm giving this book a 5 out of 5. It was long, but it did not disappoint, now I have to go back and finish the other series Jenners and Nise recommended, The Knife of Never Letting Go.
So you can understand why I can't be wordless.
I have to add a P.S. here: While this book was located in Ireland, and one of the very main characters was a history teacher, teaching about Ireland's involvement in the WWI, I did learn a little about that perspective. So, I'm linking to my Ireland challenge and my WWI challenge. I'm going to have to look up some "real" facts on that one. I do want all those participating in these two challenges to read this one. It's a little disturbing, and you will not be sending your son's to boarding school in Ireland, heck I'm not letting S. Vincent out of my sight. Forget about him going to Ireland to do his Master's Degree.
So nice to hear that someone else gets library fines!
Irene, you won the necklace and earrings!!
Oh yeah … I'm so glad you loved it as much as I did!! I was worried becaues it is a big big book (I listened on audio and I think I was listening for a full month) but you get so involved in it. I hope it was worth the fines!
GEZZ, I guess I better push it up in my reading piles:) glad u liked it.
Dear Irene, please don't ever be wordless. Your review is certainly at least as good as the book that is its lucky subject. Also I love the visual of you hunkered down beneath your blankie, refusing to put down your "chunkster" of a book except to throw in a load of laundry and make sauce. Skippy Dies sounds good.
It sounds like it was worth paying a library fine for!
I read the first few chapters when the book came out and then gave up on it. Jenners convinced me with her review to try it again, but I've been waiting/hoping for one of the libraries in the local consortium to get an audiobook copy so that I can try that format instead of reading it.
I've seen this one around, and the cover didn't appeal to me, so I ignored it - I had no idea there was an Ireland connection!
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