1. The book you read: Silver Wedding, Maeve Binchy
P.S. This is not a new book.
Settings where it took place or characters you met: Setting: Set in Ireland in the not so long ago.
The characters in this book are typical ordinary people, a priest, with family, a rotten nephew, a weird uncle, and brother, and a background of characters that color the world the Doyle's live in.
4. What you liked/disliked about the book:
I liked the whole book, I love the character development, I love how each chapter is dedicated to each character and then their story explains "the plot". It's not an earth shattering plot just real life. There really wasn't anything I didn't like about the book. I read Binchy when I need a mental break, and just for pleasure. I can't put it down usually, and it's just ordinary life happening. I know I'm going to be somewhat shocked, surprised and yet not. A good short read, and one where I'm not crying on the subway, or scared silly, walking home late at night, I don't have to look around for a vampire, or a murderer, or suspect my husband of cheating, o.k. well maybe that last one, but all in all a pleasure to read, definitely a girly thing.
The one thing I have to say is my "old ladies" at the home don't want to read Binchy because they say there is not enough sexual scenes, can you believe it?
The characters in this book are typical ordinary people, a priest, with family, a rotten nephew, a weird uncle, and brother, and a background of characters that color the world the Doyle's live in.
4. What you liked/disliked about the book:
I liked the whole book, I love the character development, I love how each chapter is dedicated to each character and then their story explains "the plot". It's not an earth shattering plot just real life. There really wasn't anything I didn't like about the book. I read Binchy when I need a mental break, and just for pleasure. I can't put it down usually, and it's just ordinary life happening. I know I'm going to be somewhat shocked, surprised and yet not. A good short read, and one where I'm not crying on the subway, or scared silly, walking home late at night, I don't have to look around for a vampire, or a murderer, or suspect my husband of cheating, o.k. well maybe that last one, but all in all a pleasure to read, definitely a girly thing.
The one thing I have to say is my "old ladies" at the home don't want to read Binchy because they say there is not enough sexual scenes, can you believe it?
5. Stars or less for your rating?
I'm giving this book a 4, Entertained and educated me ( as to character development). Read it purely for my own enjoyment. Dealt with subjects I found kinda interesting (family life in other cultures than my own.) I'd recommend it to anyone who needs to have a fun read, and doesn't really want to solve the world's problems. (or even know about them).
The Whys and Wheres. I got this book from our painting group book exchange, and since I didn't bring enough to read on the train... I had just finished a book that required a lot of thinking after so it was nice to just enjoy.
This is Jenners star rating criteria, I love it. I've adopted it for this meme, with my own little twist.
# 5 stars: A Must Read. Fully engaged me. Have gravitas and substance. Connected with me emotionally. Contained powerful writing. Are not soon forgotten
# 4.5 stars: Make Time For This One. Involved me fully. Were close to perfect. Might deal with a subject matter I couldn't fully fall in love with.
# 4 stars: Add To Your TBR List. Solid reads but might lack substance. Entertained me. Read purely for my own enjoyment. Dealt with subjects I have a weakness for. Are excellent books but didn't make me fall in love.
# 3.5 stars: When You Get Around To It. Had the potential to be great but had serious flaws. Saw flashes of genius but didn't work for me. Above average for a genre I don't love. Not great but stood out from the pack for some reason.
# 3 stars: Maybe/Maybe Not. Just OK. Might be in a genre that isn't my favorite. Easily forgotten. Didn't set my world on fire.
# 2.5 stars or less: Skip It. Books I actively disliked for one reason or another and probably struggled to finish.
Ciao Irene...
mi alzo alle 4:30 per trovarmi in fabbrica alle 5:00.
Produco scarpe da bambino - donna - uomo.
Appena posso posterò le foto della mia fabbrica e delle calzature.
Mi alzo così presto per preparare tutti i materiali, in modo che alle ore 08:00 tutto sia pronto.
Buona giornata :-))
I love that the ladies at the home want more sex scenes!!! Too funny!
I read some Binchy years ago and they are just what you said ... lovely relaxing reads.
I'm glad the rating system works for you!!
I like Maeve Binchy's work. This sounds like a must-read for me!
So have to hear that Maeve Binchey has another book out, I love her works!!
I hope you will join my designer Giveaway from Pillow Mint!
Art by Karena
I have never read one of Binchy's (sp?) books but I can understand the need for a good plain old book. Nothing special just a normal book. I 'll have to gove her a try someday. Great review.
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