Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Photo a Day... outside

In spite of this heat, my roses are on their 3rd round of blooms.


Nise' said...

Beautiful. Mine are not looking as nice.

bermudaonion said...

They're gorgeous - I'm sure you're enjoying them.

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

not wanting to sound stupid, but do roses not do well in the heat? I'm just starting to get interested in gardening and have a couple of rose bushes the builder put in the flower bed. I've wondered what I should do for them, so I guess I'll search your blog since you seem to know more than me!

Erica (Irene) said...

Gorgeous roses....for some reason mine aren't as beautiful as yours. Also I had one rose bush die this year, which I've had for years. :-(

Irene said...

Roses like water, they don't like to be crowded. but, beyond that they are on their own in my yard. I too lost a couple of older bushes. But, being fair, they were in their 20s. They get full afternoon sun in my garden, are in a not too windy protected area and are totally my pleasure when I'm having my breakfast as they are just outside the window. I've only gotten out there twice to pull weeds, mostly because of the heat. So I'm starting to think I'm getting the hang of this.

Jenny said...

The roses here seem to be loving the heat too! Mind you they're not MY roses, dear Irene. I can't grow anything. Yours are gorgeous and they look very happy.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.