Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday...

Top Ten Characters Irene would switch places with for 24 hours

This is a difficult one.

#1.  Chloe Finley, from The Sugar Queen, Sarah Addison Allen , Chloe makes the best sandwiches in town, and whenever she needs help a book appears at her side that is just the right one. P.S. my son told me yesterday I was not a sandwich artist, so...

#2. Marlena, from Water for Elephants, wouldn't you love to be circus star?

#3. Flavia, from The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, she's just so special.

#4. Moaning Myrtle, from Harry Potter (the ghost) I think that would be cool.

#5. Miss Marple, in any one of her adventures. I'd really love to learn to knit like she does.

#6. Hebe, from the The Tower, the Zoo and the Tortoise.  While I don't think I'd like to have her history, I think her job is quite unusual, and living in the tower, well wouldn't that be a housekeeping nightmare.

#7. Diana/WonderWoman, I think this is a good role, bringing love, peace and equal rights to a world dominated by men. (like at my house, 3 men).

#8. Heidi, I've always felt a special kinship with Heidi, I don't think I'd like to be an orphan, but I would have like to know my grandfather. Oh how lucky my children are to know at least their grandmothers.

#9.  How about Nicki Heat from the Richard Castle series, based on the TV show.  yea right.

That's it can't think of any other character I'd like to be, while I love the ladies of Phillipa Gregory's books, I couldn't imagine myself being anyone of them, too harsh a life.   I love   Guinevere, from Persia Wooley trilogy and I love Josephine from the Josephine B trilogy by Sandra Gulland, life was not a piece of cake for these ladies. That's why we need Wonder Woman, just to show us the way.

Top Ten is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish


bermudaonion said...

Oh, Wonder Woman is a great answer!

elena said...

These would be so fun!

Erica (Irene) said...

Irene this would be loads of fun....especially with Miss Marples.
I love Phillipa's books also, I think I've read each one so far.
Have a great day.....hope we don't have that lightening show like we did yesterday.

Bookworm Belle said...

Marlena! Why didn't I think of her?! I wanna be a circus star! Great list :)

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.