Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rainy Day... , The Standalong

I'm about to start doing a rain dance.  We, like many of you, are in a heat wave.  I seem to be spending most of the day watering this or that. And yesterday, I darn near fried.  I had done a sizeable planting at the cemetery and I felt I needed to get there to water, boy my arms are sore today.  And then waiting for the bus on the return trip was brutal. I had purchased a beach umbrella to attach to my mom's wheel chair so we could sit outside some days and I used it.  Not sure it gave me much relief, but it was so hot, I figured it was better than nothing.  I know gardeners say to water early in the morning or late at night, but come on, it takes forever.  I going out today with my muscle power, (my son) to purchase a soaker hose. My elbow just can't take me dragging things around any more. and sprinklers are just inviting birds to take a shower at my house, and heck I have a pond they can swim in. But mother nature if you are reading this, rain a little please.  My beautiful roses are toasted.  
On to other matters.  There will be no July election in Ontario.  YEA! it's not that I don't want to work, but I'd like my summer off if possible.  We are officially on stand down till September 10th.  YEA!

So.. I'll have some time to live it up in my basement.  He! he!.  I really need to clear things out. Like that's going to happen.  

I'm reading the Stand.  OMGosh.  I may have mentioned that the facility where my mother resides is in "Outbreak", well I've been going in as usual just to check on her.  Fools, don't keep me out.  and every time she sneezes... I'm freaking out.  Well the SIGNS were still up yesterday but it's almost all clear.  Good to hear.  RIP 3 deaths during this outbreak.  You never know, we could be living through a Stevie King novel.

The Stand...along is hosted by Trish at Love Laughter and a Touch of Insanity. check it out to see what everyone is saying.  I'm getting a lesson on twitter on Monday, my niece doesn't know yet...

Have a toasty Thursday.


Jenny Girl said...

Good thoughts your way Irene! We had major heat yesterday and today so I understand. Drink lots of water and take it easy friend!

Jenny Girl said...

Oh! and I'm sorry about the OUTBREAK at your mom's. Prayers their way.

Alyce said...

I hope that you guys get a break from that heat soon! I can't complain about the weather here - it's been going through bouts of warm and rain off and on, so the worst of it is that the weeds are going crazy.

Donna said...

This heat wave will make anyone wilt! I have friends who live in Phoenix and I don't know how they can possibly stand it! Hope your mom stays well, sweetie.

bermudaonion said...

After the winter we had, I have a feeling this is going to be a long, hot summer.

Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

Hope your mother stays well.

If I could send you some of our rain I certainly would - we've been having torrential downpours. I wouldn't want to get your heat though, but a bit more sun would be good. It feels more like October here than June!

Erica (Irene) said...

This major heat is also killing HOT and HUMID. This morning its seems to have cooled a bit, we actually shut the A/C off at night and slept with the windows open.
Sorry to hear about the "outbreak" your Mom's. Where my parents were in Etobicoke they had those outbreak's quite often. Sending you my thoughts and prayers for your Mom.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.