Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Backseat Saints....

Well I finished it last night.  I was waiting again, you know waiting for my family to come home and have supper, waiting for my son to finish his writing assignment, (and me staying quiet), waiting for the snow, to decide weather/whether  or not I'm going to  travel tomorrow. Hmm...

Backseat Saints, Joshilyn Jackson is the story of Rose Mae, a young woman with many, many issues.

I read this book on the recommendation of Jenners at Life ... with books. 
Borrowed from the Library in Support Your Local Library Challenge


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I LOVED this one as well as her first book. I need to read book 2 which sits on my shelf --she is good.

Nise' said...

Glad you enjoyed this one! I did too!

bermudaonion said...

I thought this book was great, too! If you haven't read Gods in Alabama, you need to read it as well.

Irene said...

I'm in good company. Thanks ladies.

Carrie K. said...

I loved her Girl Who Stopped Swimming and have been meaning to pick up another of her titles - must do it soon!

Jenny said...

That sounds like a riveting read! I'll have to look for this one.

Jenners said...

I just finished this on audio and it was a great listen. The author read it and her voice just captures how I imagine Rose Mae sounds. I want to read the book before this -- Gods in Alabama -- now. I understand Rose is a bit character in it ... and I guess you find out what happened to Jim Beverly!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.