Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Postcard Friendship Friday

I had intended to post this beauty on "Father's Day" and then promptly forgot. It was in my folder for Post Card Friendship Friday, hosted by Beth of the Best Hearts are Crunchy.

This card is another of the gold mine, that my friend Nancy sent me, that she bought for ME in Paris. I love it. I can picture my mom and dad in this scenario with my sister Donna. My mom and dad often said they were so happy to have her "LIVE" as they had lost three infants prior to her during WWII. mostly to hunger, or lack of medication. Donna was dearly loved. Since my parents were post-war New Canadians there was not a lot of money for pictures so I would have to scan the faces of the family in. But, nonetheless I love this card. Happy Postcard Friendship Friday.

I had to add a post script to this post, (not sure that's proper grammar) but I don't collect cards that have not been circulated and Nancy even managed to fit this one into that category, it however does not have the stamp on the reverse side, it's in the upper right hand corner, it's that cool?


Snap said...

It is a beautiful card and perfect for Father's Day ... any day! Happy PFF.

nancy said...

so glad you like it

Anonymous said...

Oooo, indeed that does make for a lovely Father's Day card! A nostalgic image of a family portrait ... so very sweet!
Happy Friday and a wishing you a blissful weekend!

Linda said...

Sweet image, and I do like that stamp mark in the upper corner. Happy PFF!

Postcardy said...

that's a sweet father card. Most old French postcards seem to have the stamp on the picture side.

Lyneen said...

Great Fathers Day card. Love the family scene. PFF!

dakotaboo said...

Lovely postcard and story - thanks for sharing.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

That card is a real beauty! I've always assumed the stamps were put on the front in the days when only the address was allowed on the reverse. They must have followed instructions very literally in France.

Jeanne said...

Wow what a gem. LOVE the picture and yes, it is perfect for Father's Day.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene,
molto bella questa post-card :-))
Buona giornata.

Joy said...

I like the ornate room and your story of the universal nature of families

LiT Web Studio said...

wonderful looks very traditional and yet dad is the one holding the baby - cool!

Beth Niquette said...

This is a wonderful postcard! I totally enjoyed reading your blog this morning.

Happy PFF!

Don't forget to visit Gemma's Mailbox meme--I forgot to add in the link on PFF--but it's there now!

Aimee said...

What a beautiful card! I love the little scenario too!

Postcardese said...

Completely stunning Irene.

Do you know when it was posted?



Jenny said...

Beautiful. I love vintage mail.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.