This is another vintage postcard, with great wishes, the reverse says only,
"To a Lovely Lady Valentine," how simple and so loving, but no name, maybe he couldn't decide who to send it to.

Marie over at French Factrice is our hostess for Friendship Friday, do stop by and visit the other participates. All you need to know is below:
Welcome to this weeks Postcard Friendship Friday! If you're visiting and would like to join in the fun we would be thrilled;) It's easy! All you need to do is:
1. Have a blast with this mail theme! Examples include: any type of postcard, a photo of a mailbox, mailman, a stamp image, postcard altered art, or simply a photo of something that you find 'Postcard Perfect' etc etc etc!
2. Link in with Mr.Linky at the bottom of this post
3. Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what a blog party is all about!
4. Link back to the party from your post so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is talking about today! Please grab the badge if you'd like to add a bit of PFF colour to your post:)
That's a sweet valentine.
I love old valentines. This one's very sweet.
Or he thought he was her only valentine. Happy PFF.
I like the poem!
I've been posting old valentines this month, thanks for posting this one. Love the old-fashioned sentiment.
Love the *old* Valentines (maybe because I'm *old*!!!) Happy PFF!
Irene, such a lovely, delicate Valentine postcard! :) Thanks for commenting at my PFF post! I really appreciate it!
Lovely old card.
It's so very pretty! One of my favourites today.
Beautiful locket on a chain! Happy PFF!
That little message is a real heart melter. Yummy! Cute post for a fun PFF
I hope he had a special girl in mind when he wrote that message. Wonder if she got it....
Happy PFF! LOVE old valentines!
Beautiful Valentine!!! PPF Thanks for stopping by!
Lovely postcard so sweet.
Beautiful...I'm sure anyone would love to receive this sweet card for VAlentine's day.
I have always loved vintage everything and am having a new found love affair with it...this is a great way to see other fab finds.
Thanks for stopping by 504 Main.
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