I've been tagged by Dizzy C. and one of the questions was Technology Wizard or Not. I have to say that because of the difficulties I've had this morning I am most definitely not a wizard and there by cannot possibly play in the tag. Sorry Dizzy C.
I am kind of in the middle when it comes to technology.
Ah, not to worry, Irene.
Have a great Sunday x
Like you I will not be playing, dear Irene.
I got tagged on a different Q&A...They just are tooooo long to do!
Hi Irene, il tagged purtroppo è un virus dilagante... comunque non preoccupartene troppo... sei sempre unica !!!
Un abbraccio amica mia :))
I must say, something that can make me most angry is when a machine doesn't do what it's supposed to. WE are the bosses!!
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