Saturday, February 4, 2012

Brenda's Photo Challenge, Memories...

Earlier this week I posted a photo of my 26year old son, on his birthday.  Well here are the memories that go along with that boy.  His first Easter.

nap time
Ninja Turtles on Easter morning.

yet another "rare" nap.
Who you gonna call?

Rocketry years
All the camp counselors colored their hair it was rainbow day, 
all grown up... 

Most memories just get stored in some vault, for me it's photos that bring them out to discuss and remember fondly or otherwise,  was not to keen on the rainbow hair.
This post was created to submit as part of the Brenda's Photo Challenge, Memories .  thank you to Brenda for hosting.


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene
che belle queste tue foto di oggi !
Nostalgia del tempo andato ...
Felece sabato.
Oggi in Italia siamo completamente sommersi di neve....
Baci ed abbracci Myriam :))

Sue said...

Pictures that relate to a wonderful growing-up... they must hold beautiful memories, I'm sure.
Great pictures!

Jeanette said...

Wonderful memories of your handsome son! I love looking at old pics of my kids, too. It's bittersweet!

bermudaonion said...

My son's not quite as old but he loved the Ninja Turtles too.

Donna said...

That attractive young man certainly has given you many wonderful memories over the years! Thank you for sharing the trip down memory lane!

Brenda said...

Precious memories of your young man as he grew into adulthood. Thank you so much for joining us!

Jeanne said...

Aww precious Irene! Our children grow too quickly. So good to have the relationships with them that grow along.

Donna said...

LOOK at that Ghostbuster ambulance!!!!!
He's SO Handsome Girl!
I can't help wondering where the time went?!!

Nise' said...

Wonderful photos.

SUGAR MOON said...

Great photos wonderful memories. I know exactly what you mean. Thanks for sharing your handsome son with us.

Out on the prairie said...

nice to see the progression, it seems like time passes fast when you look back.

GypsyFarmGirl said...

Great memories! I remember when my brother was into Ninja Turtles as well. Looks like he is the same age as your son.

Jenny said...

What a beautiful child grown into a fine young man, dear Irene. I know exactly how you feel when you look at the pictures and at him.

Jenners said...

I love these kinds of posts where you get to see a child "grow up" in a few photos. Thanks for sharing!

Parabolic Muse said...

oh, come ON!!
How sweet is this?!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

OH Irene! This post brought tears to my eyes. How how sweet (pictures of sleeping babies are my favorites). Happy birthday to your babe!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.