Sunday, May 6, 2012

A little garden mischief...

I'm getting really ticked off with the cat, he's lying on top of my newly planted stuff, don't know what is attracting him to this spot, but it's annoying.  I've removed all my overbloomed tulips, Martha says we should treat them as annuals and dig them up every year.  I've decided to try, since my backyard tulips were very inexpensive, It will be my little Martha experiment.  I think I might plant a moth ball with them next fall to defeat the squirrels. So now to remove the cat... 

This week, I finished reading 2 Charles Todd books, The Impartial Witness, and The Confession, review to follow.  Up next Prayers for Sale.  Another busy week, with my sisters gone off sunning themselves, my visits with my mom are more frequent.  And then the other stuff is still there to do as well, pray for strength and a good nights sleep.  I've lost a couple of old roses this past winter, so I'll need to think of filling that gap, and my husband has been out in the pond this p.m. so I'm sure I'll need to replace a tree or two.  Handy Andy just doesn't know how to tip toe through the tulips.  Our paint for a cure painting adventure raised $1,850 for breast cancer research.  I was so nervous about the time, I think I may have caught the last bus home.  I had a very courteous bus driver, he waited while I caught my connection, just in case.  Most unusual. 

Have a great week, I may be a little absent over the next bit.


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I'd be curious to see what is so fascinating to the cat...LOL

Nise' said...

Those kittys always get into trouble. Our neighbor cat does the same thing. She likes to lay among my plants rather than her own. Shoot, I just finally got those blubs planted last fall and now I am supposed to dig them up? I am too lazy.

Jenners said...

I have a neighborhood cat who comes and lies in the middle of my catmint plant. (I guess the name isn't lying.) Perhaps one of those ultrasonic things that are supposed to drive off animals but humans can't hear?

bermudaonion said...

We have to dig up bulbs here and put them in the freezer over the winter. It's funny that the cat likes that spot!

Jenny said...

Thank goodness for courteous bus drivers, dear Irene! And now I hope I don't have Tiny Tim singing "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" stuck in my head all day! He and Miss Vicki were quite the pair, weren't they? Happy Monday and sorry to be so late catching up! I totally lost last week, until the very end when I caught the tail end of it and managed to be minimally productive.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.