Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tablescape Thursday...

 Welcome to tablescape Thursday.  O.K. I just made that up, but aren't these tablescapes lovely.  My friends son is getting married and they are thinking about table pieces.  Navy and White is the brides choice, and this sort of came to mind .  I've now helped many a friend and acquaintance and family member plan weddings, probably won't have that joyful experience with my own.  You know how daughter in laws and mother in laws get on.  I'm the mother in law to be, someday, not any day soon I hope. And if the king ever finds anyone who can put up with him..


Jenners said...

Oh it is lovely!!! I think it will make the room look just magical!

Jenny said...

Stunning, dear Irene! When my other three find mates will you come down here and do the decorating? I could buy you a bus ticket -- hey, I'll buy you TWO bus tickets, one seat for you and one for your books -- and you could just hang out with me and git 'er done. No rush, though ... nobody seems too anxious to pair off. The King will find his Queen and she'll make him her loyal subject. Someday.

Erica (Irene) said...

The colours look beautiful the contrast. My daughter told me when she gets married that whatever I do to decorate it's up to me, as I'm a decorator. Said we have the same taste......she's know wherever near to a wedding, trying to get into Osgoode at York.
How is your King doing?

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.