Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday Snapshot, Flags of Freedom?

This is our glorious flag.  Many a life has been given so we may enjoy our freedom.  And yet, we allow tailgate merchants to sell this disgraceful replica. WHY?  I am so enraged when I see these things, and the police will do nothing about it, the city actually issues a permit to these vendors.  Do we not have enough issues with drugs, that we need to fly a flag to advertise?  Hey why not make it legal?  I'm writing a letter to the owners of the plaza at which this vendor parks, and encouraging boycotts.  I could go on but, I have to go do laundry and I'll be so wild that I'll mix my whites with my colours and then what will  my army guy look like?  Have a great Saturday.  See you in the salon tomorrow.

 Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce from At Home With Books.


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Thanks for sharing! I's a travesty.

Photo evidence is the best kind. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

So sad and I agree, disrespectful. Good luck with your boycott.

bermudaonion said...

That is very disrespectful - I don't blame you for being angry.

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

That is really bad. I hope the vendor get kicked out.

Trish said...

Good luck with your letter! You'll probably find you're not the only one. The photos make a point that can't be denied.

gautami tripathy said...

It would anger me too! I don't blame you!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

Nise' said...

I am sorry it hurts your heart so! It is very disrespectful.

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

Those who disrespect your flag have probably never had to fight for it...this kind of thing upsets me too :(

Booksnyc said...

Good for you for taking a stand!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene,
oggi è stata una giornata passata completamente al computer !!
Ho avuto la "sfortunata" idea di provar il nuovo programma della Windows 8 !!!!
Questo nuovo programma è veramente bruttissimo e poco comodo !
Per rimettere il programma Windows 7 ho dovuto sudare le 7 camice !!!
Solo verso le 20:00 sono riuscita a ripristinare tutto !
Se mai anche tu volessi provare il nuovo programma, il mio consiglio è " NON FARLO !!!! "
Baci Myriam :))

Paulita said...

I can see why you would be upset about the way the flag is portrayed. Free speech sure is thorny when it goes against our principals. It might be easier to get people not to buy them than to outlaw them. The consumer hurts the vendor right in the pocketbook. Here's Mine

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Seems so disrespectful.

Alyce said...

I did a double take before I saw what was different about that flag. I can see why you would be upset.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

You're kidding?! I haven't seen such a thing and it is incredibly disrespectful. Good luck with the letter.

Susan Lindquist said...

Such a shame ... good luck with the letter!

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Same problem here in the US. But, free speech is free speech and the government probably has to allow it. It's up to us, however, not to buy that crap and let the people selling it lose the money they invested.

Jenners said...

I do love the Canadian flag. So simple but bold and striking. Sadly, the ability to have the second type of flag is exactly what makes living in a country like Canada worthwhile.

Jenny said...

I hear you, dear Irene. A citizen of a great country should love their flag and defend it. Nothing makes me angrier faster than to see some desecration of Old Glory. I'm glad you gave the traitors a piece of your mind. We must PUSH BACK against those who would destroy our freedoms!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.