Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday Snapshot...

 I don't know if you remember my rant at how my family didn't buy me a gift or acknowledge my birthday in anyway this past year, so I thought they would make it up for Christmas.  I'm looking for a new family as we speak. One morning on my way out the door I found this box at the entry way.  As I was rushing for a bus I just brought it in and put it on the table.  Then of course it bothered me all day. 

Inside I found, a lovely ribbon, some unwrinkled tissue and an artists card.  Hmm.  No one was at home except me.  So I thought someone had already opened the gift.  Well as it turned out, my very CLUMSY husband had dropped the gift, which was an original piece of pottery form a local artist, and all that remained were the wrappings.  I ask you, how the heck does this man still have toes, he carried a loaded weapon for more than 30 years.  So this is my Saturday Snapshot.  Just for a laugh.  As I'm clearing away my Christmas stuff, I thought I'd share a chuckle with you.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce from At Home With Books.

P.S. Thank You all for your concern, but knowing my men as I do, I'm buying myself something very frivolous.  From my husband, you have no idea how surprised he will be.  I've been dying for a binding machine, a bookbinding machine, so I'm shopping.  A Zuker or binditall... hmm.... 


Trish said...

LOL wow, well the box and ribbon sure are pretty.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Ah ah ah Irene,
ci chiediamo anche noi come possa essere successo questo !!!!
Un abbraccio caloroso a tuo marito !!!
Ps: Jake ti ha chiesto di me ?
Baci :))

Alyce said...

Aw, how sad! Did he at least tell you what it looked like after the tragedy?

Anonymous said...

And more importantly, will there be a replacement - not exactly the same, of course, but still....

Pretty wrappings. That blue is really lovely.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

How mysterious! Lovely wrappings and pretty, empty box....hmm.

Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I'm feeling sad for you that your family didn't acknowledge your birthday or Christmas. The box is lovely even if it is empty.

Lisa said...

Oh no! And how sad to have your birthday pass unremarked. I hope you did something nice for yourself.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Well, the paper and box are lovely...LOL

Donna said...

I hope you is getting you another one! I think it is a safe bet that you need to just treat yourself to your own gifts, LOL

Nise' said...

I am sorry to be chuckling about your story, but I have a family like yours too. However, they made up for themselves this Christmas!

Louise said...

It is a lovely box, such a shame it was empty.

Marie said...

LOL! I hope they all make it up to you one day. Anyway, Happy belated Birthday, Merry Christmas and I hope the new year brings you much joy.

Jenners said...

Your famiy seriously needs to shape up!!!!

Jenny said...

So how is he going to make it right, dear Irene?

Your whole family is on probation as far as I'm concerned.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Oh my, I missed this one last week. I hope someone has taken you out for a nice dinner. And that you've bought yourself a lovely replacement gift.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.