I know that those of you who shop at Cosco will understand my dilemma. I bought this super sized piece of cheese, because I have a pasta lover in my home. Needless to say after he moved out the cheese had not yet been consumed. So it got frozen, and small portions were kept for use at our occasional pasta dinners. I have cheese shakers, but, well you see my husband empties the dishwasher occasionally and then it's a scavenger hunt to find things. In my haste I could not find the "right" shaker, so I put the cheese into a shaker that I don't normally use for this product. Well then, when the evening meal was over and the dishes put away, the dishwasher empting culprit put the container in the cupboard, (instead of the fridge) and then... So the following day I'm baking my world famous (just kidding) Madeleine's and reach for my icing sugar and yuck...
I explained to my company that the only other time I'd neglected to put a label on my Tupperware container was a time, early in our marriage, when I was baking a pumpkin pie and reached for the seasoning and put in chicken seasoning instead. Double YUCK, Yuck.
I've now put a dry-erase marker on my magnetic board in the kitchen. Works great.
I complain about the scavenger hunt after my husband does dishes, but I'm not willing to give up the help. I'll just keep doing in-services on how to.
oh no! Horrible thing to have happened, but since you're getting free kitchen help, I'd let the mistake go. Good help is hard to find :)
Oops. I like surprises, but not those kind.
I can't stand for anyone else to load or UNload my dishwasher, for various reasons! Oh well, let's be frank: I don't like for them to do it because if they don't do it exactly like I would do it, I get frustrated and/or confused! But like you, dear Irene, I'm loathe to reject any and all help in the kitchen! Sorry about your Madeleines.
Feliç any nou.
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