No one is home, and I'm suppose to be cleaning my basement, seems my husband is re-wiring something or other and the furnace guy is coming and on and on... My basement is my studio/sewing room, I spread out. Sometimes I have something drying, or laid out awaiting a creative solution and then my husband comes along and sometimes he needs to use that something for not the right thing. Like the time I had my good towels out because I was adding some embroidery to them, and he needed something to wipe the caulking with off his hands. Towels ruined. So whenever he plans an activity I have to go down there and remove all things that might be collateral damage. Well I get so easily distracted. I sat down to have lunch and switched on the tube. And there he was King Arthur.
You know I had to finish watching. I've rationalized my break by varnishing a painting while I view.
I've always thought there should be a happier ending. Brings to mind the song Torn between Two Lovers. Who would you choose? Now you see why I can't be "hiding" cleaning up the studio.
So now my varnishing is on it's way, and I'm sorting out the pattern library. So all in all maybe I'm not so bad.
Hi Irene, buona domenica :)
Oh I totally understand. Sean Connery, I mean King Arthur, trumps all. Who could cheat on Sean, really? But with Richard Gere...hmmm...enjoy your week :)
Girl I know from collateral damage when my man is doing a home repair job. It's amazing ... he could mess up an anvil.
Love it! That movie is so good you just couldn't help yourself. A girl needs a little King Arthur in her life.
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