Sunday, September 12, 2010

I've been a very bad girl...

No one is home, and I'm suppose to be cleaning my basement, seems my husband is re-wiring something or other and the furnace guy is coming and on and on... My basement is my studio/sewing room, I spread out.  Sometimes I have something drying, or laid out awaiting a creative solution and then my husband comes along and sometimes he needs to use that something for not the right thing.  Like the time I had my good towels out because I was adding some embroidery to them, and he needed something to wipe the caulking with off his hands.  Towels ruined.  So whenever he plans an activity I have to go down there and remove all things that might be collateral damage.  Well I get so easily distracted.  I sat down to have lunch and switched on the tube. And there he was King Arthur.

You know I had to finish watching.  I've rationalized my break by varnishing a painting while I view.

I've always thought there should be a happier ending.  Brings to mind the song Torn between Two Lovers. Who would you choose?  Now you see why I can't be "hiding" cleaning up the studio.

So now my varnishing is on it's way, and I'm sorting out the pattern library.  So all in all maybe I'm not so bad.


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene, buona domenica :)

Jenny Girl said...

Oh I totally understand. Sean Connery, I mean King Arthur, trumps all. Who could cheat on Sean, really? But with Richard Gere...hmmm...enjoy your week :)

Jenny said...

Girl I know from collateral damage when my man is doing a home repair job. It's amazing ... he could mess up an anvil.

Jeanne said...

Love it! That movie is so good you just couldn't help yourself. A girl needs a little King Arthur in her life.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.