Monday, September 13, 2010

Books across the ocean,..

I'm always so amazed at the connections we're making with blogging, All over the world.  One of my favourites is Myriam.  I think Myriam likes Jake Gilanhal.  But she also writes some awesome poetry, it's in Italian.  I don't speak Italian, but Google does.  Myriam recommended The Palace of Mezzonatte, by Carlos Ruiz Zafron to me and I was unable to locate it, but I did an author search and found this one so it arrived via my son from our library.  I'm finding with two kids in university, I'm using the library as much as I can.  They each spend at minimum $1,000. for books so if I don't have to that makes it easier on the old wallet.  I'm at the point now that I'm not just requesting books that are already on the library list, but now I think I may be writing a "contact us" note to the buyers for books that I want to read.  I'm delighted also that our library now has e books to download, now if I could just teach myself to listen to a book on the bus.  You know the old saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks,  I'm trying, really I am. I'm really trying to limit my mailbox, since the list is growing so long, I'm planning my reading.  I started a little booklet of books I don't have but would like to read and I'll be busy for quite awhile. 

“Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.”

book photo from the book I own.


Jenny said...

I know what it's like to crave books! My daughter in Knoxville (Tennessee) regularly visits a bookstore called McKay's where she can get used books. She looks for the titles I want. It works good. But I do love my library card. My husband haunts Barnes & Noble and pays too much for to support his habit.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene, felice di esserti di aiuto in qualche consiglio per i libri !
Ciao-ooo :)

Jenners said...

I think blogging just adds to your reading list and makes it explode ... I know I've found that happening to me. But the quality of my reading has gone up too!

Irene said...

I agree with you Jenners. My quality of reading and speed have definitely gone up. I've spread my wings so to speak.

Alyce said...

I've got the Prince of Mist sitting on my coffee table, but I don't think I'm going to have time to read it before it's due back at the library.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.