Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For Today...

Outside my window...a very blue sky, some mist, and a rainbow
I am thinking...what a glorious day
I am thankful for...good friends
From the learning rooms...still learning to keep my mouth shut
From the kitchen...roast vegetables and pasta
I am wearing...my p.j.s
I am going...home after a very nice sleepover.
I am reading... Dragonsong
I am hoping...to reach my son this evening, I really miss him
I am hearing...the roar of Niagara Falls.
Around the house...nothing much, all quiet all over the house.
One of my favourite things...viewing other lovely gardens.
A few plans for the rest of the week:Wed. painting, Thurs. cleaning/gardening Fri. my usual visits with seniors, Sat. continuation of house work Sunday?
Here are a few pictures I am sharing...


Jenners said...

What a lovely place you are in today!

Jeanne said...

Oohhh what a beautiful spot to be spending a sleepover!

Jenny said...

I love how you stay in your pj's, Irene. I do that too. I hope you were able to reach your son. I know what it is to miss your boy. I was planning a trip to Knoxville tomorrow to see Andrew, but I may not be able to go. I'll have other opportunities but Im disappointed.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.