Monday, July 5, 2010

For Today...

Outside my's very hot, my flowers are all wilted.
I am thinking...if this heat keeps up, I'll have my "cool" basement cleaned before schedule.
I am thankful for...air conditioning
From the learning rooms...I'm learning to part with books I'll never use again, it's not a very big pile.
From the kitchen...something that doesn't require a lot of heat, peanut butter sandwiches.
I am wearing...shorts and t shirt
I am creating...a wonderful workroom
I am going...nowhere, too hot.
I am reading...The Constant Princess, Phillipa Gregory
I am finish this book
I am hearing...a book on tape, Pretend You Don't See Her, Mary Higgins Clark
Around the house...a fair bit of re-organizing.
One of my favorite things...the Dewey Decimal System, I'd love to have a library program on my computer.
A few plans for the rest of the week:cleaning, visiting my mom, shopping for a wedding gift, delivering the wedding gift.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...this is a painting I did a few years ago, I've never hung it up, it's so Cold looking, in this heat wave it's looking pretty good.


Diane O. said...

Hot here too, hope we get some relief (and rain) soon. I'm getting rid of a few books too, need more room for craft supplies. I like the painting but unfortunately simply looking at snow doesn't cool me off.

Jeanne said...

hehe good choice on the picture. Very hot here as well. I hear no relief till later in the weekend. Good weather to find a cool spot and read me thinks. How's your commute to work in this heat?

Susan Williamson said...

It's always fun to find out what you're reading Irene. I just finished the third volume of Stieg Larsson's The Millennium Trilogy and I'm sad it's all over. John's reading the last volume now and I wish I still had it to look forward to.

Annie said...

Interesting to catch up with you again Irene. I have only just arrived back from the south visiting the family, minding grandchildren etc. Busy busy!

Love your pruned roses and vase...also the book Lamb sounds interesting.

Strange it is so hot for you is now quite cold here. 17 degrees celsius today in Brisbane was a cold winter day for us!

Thanks for your visit to my post today.

Annie said...

I also liked your painting very much. I don't mind looking at snow anytime. You are very talented.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.