Over the last many years, I've been painting, mostly for pleasure, sometimes as gifts, I'm no Picaso you understand, but I do paint. I've learned more color theory, chemistry of paint, and personal habits from this pleasurable past time. One of the things that we "our little group" do is buy painting magazines. Since we started in folk art there were many today not so many. But this one is usually readily available. But like it's title Quick and Easy, there is nothing quick and easy. I have a friend who thought she'd like to paint, so out she went and bought this magazine, and O. K. Irene lets paint this... I gotta tell ya, no such thing a s quick and easy. It's only quick and easy if you already know how to paint. We set up in my dining room, simply because I share my studio with my sons and if they are busy, well I paint in the dining room. So this quick project then meant, I had to haul up all my stuff, and you know I have stuff, and then there is the lighting, and the covering of the table and chairs, because you know you'll splatter. So much for quick. Then easy part, as per many instructions, trace pattern onto surface, well there is a skill in that as well, I've never really gotten it in all these years, so what's a new painter to do. So for all you guys and gals out there who read Quick and Easy books, beware. Enjoy your Wednesday.

Vicki at Reading at the Beach is our hostess for this meme.
Yep, I've been caught by the "quick and easy" tag line as well as the many unfinished projects will tell!!
Quick and Easy sounds like something I could do!
Here's mine:
Great reference book!
Usually if it says quick and easy--it isn't. Also, my husband doesn't read very much and when he does it is usually a Louis L'amour.
Yes, probably the only quick and easy thing about all these how-to books is grabbing them off the shelves! But they always have such attractive covers!
LOL, thanks for the warning! I know better than to try to learn how to paint anyhow!
Yes, I think i know that painting isn't for me...trouble is nothing is quick and easy. That's why nothing gets done here!
Thanks for the Arlington ladies story, in a post below. Very powerful!
And thanks for your visit to my blog. Yes, I think the mosaics would be fun...and I do have some china already waiting!
YOu paint too? Very cool! In the past I use to paint unfinished wood prodcuts, like bird houses, Christmas decorations, and the like. But then the local arts and crafts store started doing away with the wood projects. I waited several years but they never resurfaced.
THEN, I started knitting and well the rest is history :)
Stop by, I have a contest for The Making of a Duchess.
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