Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Holidays

Margaret at Creative Madness is hosting a Holiday Challenge. I'm in, hoping this will inspire me to not only get my home prepared for the holidays, but get my heart there as well. Of course it may not be such a good idea to read a murder mystery that happened around the holidays. But nonetheless I'm in.
Challenge Requirements:

1- Challenge will start Friday, November 20 and will end Thursday, December 31.

2- You can read anywhere from 1 to 5 books for the challenge and, of course, if you're like me, you are more than welcome to surpass that number.

3- And now, here's the clincher... they must be holiday related books. That's right, the holiday doesn't really matter, but it would be more "jolly" if your choices were Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.

4- The size of the book does not matter, nor does the genre. It is also okay for the book to overlap with other challenges. The only thing I ask is that they are not children's books. YA is okay. And so are re-reads. I for one tend to read the same books every Christmas - they are tradition.

5- To sign up - leave a link back to your challenge post. There will also be a post for review links as well as one for challenge wrap-ups.

6- And.... there will be goodies. That's right, we'll call them presents. At the end of every week that the challenge is running I will choose one winner from the review links and I will allow them to pick a book of their choosing (of course, I will provide a list). Meaning the more books you read, review and link up, the more chances you have at winning a "present".


Nely said...

So glad that you've joined the challenge Irene. I look forward to your reviews.

Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check this challenge out!

I have an award for you HERE

Annie said...

Looks interesting...I'll see what I can do when I get to NYC on Friday...then see how much time I have to spare for reading, while looking after a little toddler as well!

my word verif is "roomente"..that sounds like the little "room" I will be using at my daughters place!!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.