Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A-Z Wednesday, The Final Solution

Welcome to A-Z Wednesday!!
To join, here's all you have to do:
Go to your stack of books and find one whose title starts with the letter of the week.
1~ a photo of the book
2~ title and synopsis
3~ link(Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc.)
4~ Come back here and leave your link in the comments
If you've already reviewed this book you can add it also.
Be sure to visit other participants to see what book they have posted and leave them a comment.
(We all love comments, don't we?)
Who knows? You may find your next "favorite" book.


(the) Final Solution is my choice today.

photo of the book I own.

The Final Solution is a a novella about an investigation led by an unknown old man, whom the reader can guess to be Sherlock Holmes, during the final years of World War II.

This is rather a short read, by Michael Chabon, and one my son recommended highly. I did enjoy it, even though I found it quite wordy or perhaps that captured the Sherlock Holmes character well.

photo of the book I own.


Zia said...

Never heard of it before, but it sounds intriguing.

gautami tripathy said...

As Zia said, it indeed seems intriguing!

Here is my A-Z Wednesday post!

Unknown said...

Wow that is different.

kayerj said...

sounds good, I like sherlock holmes. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this one!!!

Thanks for playing this week!

Kristen said...

Hmmm. Didn't know Chabon wrote something about Sherlock Holmes.

Here's my F book.

Nise' said...

Sounds interesting.

Annie said...

Irene, thanks for your visit to my Doorway...good to catch up here. Your book abc wednesday looks very interesting.

me again said...

Irene, I love how you have the list down the side of your blog on your A-Z books so far. I am SO stealing this idea for my blog!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.