Sunday, September 21, 2008

Read a good book lately?

A few years ago I volunteered at our school library, and was part of the reading team. I don't know if parents know this but every book purchased for the libriaries of the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board at the elementary level is read by a teacher/ librarian and/or parent. Well I was that parent. I read a book called Wringer by Jerry Spinelli, one of his best I might add. The book summary is as follows, Palmer LaRue is not looking forward to the day he turns 10. His town has an annual Pigeon Day. When a boy turns 10 in this town, they become "wringers" and strangle the pigeons wounded during the annual pigeon shoot. He must either accept this task or find the courage to say no. His buddies soon discover Palmer is hiding a pet pigeon in his room. Who names their kid Palmer? Anyway, I think he lives next door. I have pigeons galore. I have a nature lady living next door and she feeds pigeons and other birds. The fence is all crapped up and the roof too. What can one do to maintain neighborhood relations without cleaning Pigeon crap? I'd like to say move. But, that's not in the forecast for a few more years. I think I might be calling the Animal Control though or investing in a hawk. Daniel at one point in grade six I believe wanted to be a Falconer. NOW that's an idea. I don't read for the library anymore, but I do still read and I'm delighted to say today is Silent Sunday. (except for the washing machine/dryer, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher ...)Everyone has their preferences regarding winddown, but this is mine, it may not happen until 11p.m tonight but... Have a good Sunday.

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Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.