Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Birthday Beauty

Some 32 years ago this lovely lady came into my life. It was for sure my first love. I know it must sound weird, but there is a presence around baby's that makes us different people. This baby sure did. I had the pleasure of looking after her sometime and watch her grow up to be the beauty and brilliant young lady she is today. I'm thinking of a song...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, our beautiful Misia is 32 now...a beautiful person inside and out. A great everything to everyone...and for me, a wonderful sister and bestest friend. Its funny, because how you explain Misia to you, is how I feel about our little Stephanie and what she means to me...(although my Patrick is the love of my life!). My little Stephanie has got me hooked. She makes me smile and laugh even on the worst of days. Its funny for what little time they have been around, life cannot be imagined without them. I love her more than life itself.

Happy Birthday Misia...we all love you! AP

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.