Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I don't have many childhood memories of Canada Day Celebrtions I don't think we ever bought fireworks and set them off around our neighborhood. I think I remember hearing them being set off at Battlefield Park, in Stoney Creek, but I'm sure we never attended. When we moved to Mississauga fireworks were set off here at City Hall. Daniel was a little more than a year old, my husband was working and the dog was terrified. So I sat in my basement, where the widows were smaller, and the sound muffled with the baby crying in my arms and the dog trembling between my legs. The following year, the dog had died, and the baby watched out the window at the display. For a number of years after that our neighbors would have a little party and invite us and we would all enjoy a little neighborhood display. At this point the city decided not to do the big display at the center, so we often had spectators at the gates watching us do it as well. We don't do that anymore, partly because the kids have all grown up and go to Ashbridges Bay or Wonderland . But my little baby, now 22, is an aspiring Piro Technician. He invites his own little clan to view his masterful display, and I suppose someone quite enjoyed it and took this great picture. (Obviously a well trained scrapper) He is seen here setting off Allen Gardens. He keeps quoting Apu "what better way to celebrate the birth of your country, than by blowing a little piece of it up." Happy Canada Day eh! do sing along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Canada. I am very proud and feel secure about living in Canada. It makes me feel safe after a day being in the States to return to good old Canada. This country has done so much good for so many. I wish people who live in Canada were as loyal to Canada as they are of their ancestry. I think its important to pay tribute to your heritage, but this is your home country, and you should show your allegiance just the same. AP

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.