Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Bucket List

With my many interests I receive just as many e newsletters one of which is Quietfire Designs. Suzanne sends us blog prompts. Sort of an inspiration for our blogging. A few weeks ago she suggested " The Bucket List". The Bucket List was a movie starring Jack Nickelson, and Morgan Freeman. It's a list of things you would like to do before you kick the bucket. Well I must say, I have several buckets going. I have a bucket list for my painting interests, a bucket list for my art group, and of coarse one for writing. There is most definetley one for my family and the list goes on. So far I have checked off two items with my painting group. I had the privilege of painting with Maureen McNaughton at her studio this past May, and I painted with Shelley Prior earlier this year. Both experiences were well placed on my list. After talking to my cousin in Poland this week, I thought HMMMM.... should I have a bucket list for places to visit. There are always more things to do, I'll have to live for awhile I guess.

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Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.