Show me five:
1. the book I read was Scarecrow in Gray, Barry D. Yelton
2. Two words to describe it: Civil War Fiction
3. The book is set in the south, we follow the last 8 months of the civil war with a young man from Rutherford County who has volunteered, reluctantly to join General Lee's army. Francis, walks to meet with the army, he meets a neighbor and they stay together throughout the duration of the war.
4. What I liked about the book an what I didn't like about the book.
I liked the characters for the most part, I like the fact that these men hated killing in the war, that they felt for the enemy, and each other. I liked their loyalty to one another, to their families, to their country, and how honorably they served. I like the faith in God they had, and were willing to share.
I didn't like the fact that it was a bit slow. It was quite graphic, and I found I had to read it in bits. The characters were very stereo typical southerners. I'm ever so glad there were no banjos. I think anything bad that could happen, happened to this group, a little unbelievable, particularly in the short span of their travel. Almost like the author needed to tell all the stories he could think of through these characters. I would have liked to know a little more about what happened to them after their arrival at home.
5 five stars or less for the book. While I liked this book, I needed to finish it, just to see what happened. I knew the main character would live, (too many spoilers throughout the book). I give it a 3.5 stars. I read this book as part of my Civil War Challenge, I felt I read so many books from the point of view of the Northerners I needed to see the Southerners point of view. I think the scene that will be in my mind for some time is the "piles of limbs" amputated from many a young soldier on both sides of the battle. Horrific.
Photo of book I own.
Photo of book I own.
Sounds very graphic indeed.
Sometimes graphic helps drive the point home in these types of stories, but it does make them harder to read. I think I'll pass on this one because I like Civil War books to be faster paced. Will add your review to War Through the Generations.
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