As a child I don't remember my mother making vast quantities of pancakes on pancake Tuesday, as a matter of fact it wasn't until we went to elementary school that pancakes were even introduced to us. The pancakes North America eats anyway. We often had potato pancakes, with sour cream or applesauce, but I'm sure we didn't indulge in Aunt Jemima stuff.
What did these poor sheltered Polish children do you ask ? WELL my mother and every woman in the Polish community would make wonderful PACZKY, thick plum jam filled donuts and then we'd have a community dance/BALL PACZKOWY. A local band would provide the music, and we'd all have a blast. There would be dozens and dozens of donuts/packy to enjoy. And you didn't leave your kids at home, I think I may have been 12 when I first attended, not sure who stayed with my younger brother and sister, cause even Pani Stachowa went to these things. The Polish Newspaper, Zwiazkowiec in conjunction with the many organizations, would sponsor a Miss Polonia contest and this would be one of the events where a young woman would be chosen to represent her particular group/city/community. Since I don't have daughters, and my husband and I don't really belong to a Polish community group outside of our church I'm not sure who's having the dance this year, but you can bet your bippy there will be more than one. Enjoy your Aunt Jemima and I'll be indulging in Paczi. Happy Tuesday.
GoodNESS Girl!
These look Great!
Enjoy those delicious looking Paczki.
MMMmmm, I love the buckwheat pancakes the best!
I think I'd rather have your pancakes than my flat ones!
I didn't have my first paczki until a few years ago, when a new grocery opened in town. Now we get at least a box or three every year.
I had never heard of this until the other day another blogger was talking about paczki as a Fat Tuesday type of treat. Looks so delicious!!
Hello Irene :)
in Italia questo dolce piace tantissimo.... usiamo spesso attaccarne 2 insieme ( come un panino ) ed in mezzo farcirlo con la crema alla vaniglia o al cioccolato.
Infine viene spolverato con dello zucchero a velo.
Il suo nome è " Pesca ".
Le foto in genere vengono fatte da me al tramonto, quando il sole muore perchè in montagna il tramonto è veramente meraviglioso !
Un grande abbraccio amica mia !
Myriam :))
Oh yum, those look delicious!
Girl I do love pancakes but your polish doughnuts sound rather delectable. Especially stuffed with jam, and HOMEMADE! You've made me drool, dear Irene.
Irene this is so interesting!! I didn't know this. And I don't know how to say the word for them but anythingdonutty for breakfast is fine with me!
My goodness those look good Irene...yum!
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