My Visitors Prayer
Please grant my visitors tolerance for my confusion,
Forgiveness for my irrationality
Strength to walk with me into the mist of memory my world has become.
Please help them take my hand, and stay awhile
even though I seem unaware of their presence.
Help them to know how their strength and loving care
will drift softly into the days to come just when I need it most.
Let them know when I don’t recognize them, that
I will, I will…
Keep their hearts free from sorrow for me—
For my sorrow, when it comes
Only last a moment, then it’s gone.
Finally Lord, please let them know
How very much their visits mean,
How even through this relentless Mystery—
I can feel their love.
author unknown.
Photo from my garden.
Photo from my garden.
Love this!!
Lovely. Thanks for sharing.
So poignant. I feel for all those who live with this terrible disease. Thanks for the reminder, dear Irene.
Beautiful. And heartbreaking. But beautiful.
Hi Irene
questa poesia l'hai scritta tu ?
Molto bella !!
Buona serata Myriam :))
Oh wow.
Very beautiful.
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