Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top Ten ...

Today's Top ten is hosted by the Broke and the Bookish Guys, it's that time again: the time to get excited about the books you'll be reading next season! And more particularly: what books you're most excited about that have made it on your Fall TBR list! So here's my Top Ten TBR fall reading.

This is really easy, since I have 6 books checked out of the Library and 4 on Hold.

1.This is Where I leave you,  Jonathan Tropper
2. Lottery, Patricia Wood
3. Skippy Dies, Paul Murray
4. Real Marriage, Mark and Grace Driscoll
5. Thirst, Shree Ghatage
6. Queen of the Summer Stars, Persia Wooley
7. Guinevere, The Legend in Autumn, Persia Wooley
8.  The Once and Future King
9. Quiet
10 The Linen Queen

It would be lovely if I finished all these soon, and avoided library fines. 


Paulita said...

So the way this meme works is you list the next 10 books you want to read every season? I was wondering if it was every week and that seemed like a bit much. Hope you love the books. Here's Mine

Jenners said...

I cannot wait to see what you think of Skippy Dies. I hope you like it as much as I did. And The Once and Future King is amazingly good. This was a book my dad and I read together when I was young so I have a special place in my heart for it.

Zo said...

Wow..I've only ever heard of Skippy Dies on this List

Parabolic Muse said...

I had Skippy Dies checked out for six weeks and couldn't bring myself to start it. It just seemed uncomfortable to me, although I heard it was really excellent. Once and Future King is good. let me know what you think.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.