Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Salon...

HOly mOLY. I'm so TIRED.  This weekend my husband and his friend hosted a pig roast for their army unit.  Well their wives did most of the heavy lifting.  46 guests.  The pig was a small part of the process.  The event was held at my husband's shooting club house.  The club house is not really used often so the spiders and pill bugs have had their way in there.  So the wives scrubbed and cleaned on Thursday, crawled home, rested and baked and then headed back at 6a.m.  The guest had the opportunity to shoot some clay birds, and then were presented with a historical re-enactment of shooting. Some of the unit had recently returned from Afghanistan, so it was somewhat of a reunion, and a fun day for familes.  For me, it was a killer.  And today, I get to sort and wash, and store the stuff I brought home, like dishes, and tablecloths and napkins etc.  I'll be eating the cake I forgot to take. It's all mine.

On the reading front, well I'm still reading Skippy Dies, I'm so invested in the story now that I'll be paying a hefty library fine.  Apparently there are 52 people waiting to borrow it.  I'm almost finished.  REALLY.   I must say I think I'm very naive, or I went to the wrong school. 


Alyce said...

It sounds like you deserve every bit of that cake!

Nise' said...

Some books are so worth the fine! Enjoy that cake.

Donna said...

Sounds like you need some rest! And cake, LOL...

Jenners said...

Yikes .. that doesn't sound like a party as much as forced labor for you.

And I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on SKippy Dies!

Parabolic Muse said...

This sounds like a great time, even if you couldn't move afterwards. Rewarding.

Jenny said...

Dear Irene, each crumb of the cake is yours to savor and that's only fair. Amazing how much men accomplish what with a full-time social secretary on the "payroll."

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.