Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Snapshot... and Sunday Salon

The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

I don't know why this verse comes to mind whenever I see the roots of trees, but it does. My parents have certainly given me these "gifts" I wish sometimes they hadn't, the old wings are in need of a overhaul, and sometime you'd just like to say "to Hell with the responsibility, it's not my problem".  But, being who they were, this is who I am.   This photo was taken by me (with my crappy camera) at The Ancaster Old Mill.  We recently had taken our guests for Sunday Brunch and enjoyed the scenery afterwards.  

I don't know what I did this week, other than a very little bit of geography for a job that I may or may not be doing in the next few months, I didn't even finish my laundry/ironing.  I was thinking the other day, I haven't even baked this week, so at 9p.m. I baked a cake.  I can tell you visions of chocolate swirl cake danced in my head as I slept. 

On the reading front, I finished Thirst.

I read the review for Thirst on Shonna's web page Canadian Book Worm.  Thoroughly enjoyed this one.  

And then I'm on to Skippy Dies, not sure where this one is going but it is consuming me entirely.  Better be a "big bang" ending.  Jenners recommendation usually are. I won't review either of these books at any length since I will never do a better job than these two awesome book ladies. 

I'm halfway finished my mailbox, but that's another post. And the most disappointing bit of news this week is, we've been kicked out of the school board.  So my upholstery class won't happen any time soon since, the school board in it's infinite wisdom, thinks we're making too much money and they want a piece of the action.  Who knows where this will go, I've got a full piece taken apart and sitting in my living room waiting.  I think my boy and I'll have to visit Atlas tools. (new machines).  I liked being at the studio with everyone else, it's inspiring and we share equipment that would otherwise and will otherwise be sitting and getting rusty.  Nasty, nasty unions. How disappointing.  

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce.


DCMetroreader said...

Sorry, about your class. Maybe you can hold it in a library meeting room?

The scenery looks gorgeous! I love a nice nature walk.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I do love roots, too; they are symbolic of so many things. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

bermudaonion said...

What a shame about your class. Sometimes you just have to wonder what government organizations are thinking.

Sim Carter said...

I'm going to have to come back and read your review when I have more time. And I am crazy about your quote "Lord put your arm around my shoulder and your hand across my mouth" Words to live by!

Christine Harding said...

Roots are important Irene. I hope you find another meeting place.

Trish said...

wonderful quote. The photo is lovely too, crappy camera be damned! The dappled sunlight positively glitters.

Bev Hankins said...

That's a very interesting picturing--lots of texture, from the rocky shelf beneath the roots to the fuzzy-looking grass.

Here's my Snapshot.

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

"Thirst" sound just the sort of book I'd enjoy. I must look for it.

Donna said...

Darn it all about your class! I'm not a fan of unions either.

And I adore the quote. Self-reliance is one thing that is sorely lacking these days.

Paulita said...

It's always nice to see underneath -- the roots that hold things in place. Here's Mine

Louise said...

I think you and your crappy camera took a lovely shot!

Nise' said...

I like the quote. The picture is very nice even if you don't like the camera!

Bookzilla said...

The tree photo is great. I love the light, and the reminder the roots give you. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Too bad about your class. Politics always seems to get in the way of getting things done. And really, who wins when they pull these stunts.

Alyce said...

There are days I would sure love a break from responsibility. :) Sorry to hear about your class situation.

Jenners said...

I love that quote … it is what we aspire to as parents, isn't it? But I hear you .. there are days you just want to chuck it all and be irresponsible. Cooking a cake at 9:00 am sounds like a good way to do that.

And I hope you're not disappointed in Skippy Dies. I wouldn't say it has a "big bang" ending but spending so much time with them and seeing them grow and evolve ended up affecting me greatly. I hope it does you too.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

At 9 pm you baked a cake?! ;)

So sorry about your class. We don't have very many unions down here in Texas but when I read about them in the news I always wonder what they're thinking. I think at one point in time they served a wonderful purpose but now they just seem to stir up trouble. Hope you guys find a solution!

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

voglio dedicarti questo breve tempo,
questi pochi attimi sono tutti per te,
anzi sono particolarmente proprio per te.
Per te che sei passata a trovarmi
per farmi dono dei tuoi auguri,
per te che ti sei ricordata di me,
che sei un dono prezioso per me.
A te faccio i mei ringraziamenti,
li prendo dal fondo del cuore
dove li ho preservati dalle intemperie della vita.
So che ti saranno dono gradito.
Igor ( and mommy )

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

That is too bad about the class. ROOTS - means more to the older I get.

Laura BurgandyIce said...

Oh geez.... we are all about learning "responsibility" these days. The kids are all getting homework and still trying to play as hard as in summer. It's tricky transitioning. Sometimes I feel like I'm butting heads with 'em, like rams. It's exhausting 'cause I know I have to win that battle!!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.