Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
I'm not having any difficulty continuing to read this one.
After reading "Quietly in their Sleep", last week I should know you cannot divulge what is said in a confessional. But here it goes, I don't know that I'll come up with 10 things. Top Ten is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
1. I really am very prejudice about people who read sloppy romance, I'm so judgemental thinking their romantic lives might be jeopardy, oh wait, aren't I writing a romance novel? Apparently the romance novel is the biggest seller. Who knew? (according to my creative writing teacher/publisher) I've really fallen behind in this dept.
2. I hate when a book gets dramatized into a movie. Particularly if it's done poorly. I think movies should be movies and everyone who goes to see one should have to read the book first.
3. I generally don't read books that are highly publicized until the hoop la has died down, I want to make up my own mind. Like 50 shades of grey, were it not for Saturday Night Live, I probably would not even be interested. I particularly love Valorie Hart's version of the fifty shades of grey.(Valorie is a decorator, and fifty shades of gray are paint colours).
4. I'm not big on Vampires and Werewolves. Even though my kids would read and watch this all the time, subsequently I read them too, makes for an enlightened conversation.
5. I don't have a welcome sign in my house, because the vampires could come in if you welcome them. Remember Angel of the Buffy series... "how did you get in here" Buffy, "there was a "all welcome" sign, Angel. I'm easily influenced by not so real important things that I read. Like after reading The Stand, I figured I'm doomed, I can't ride a bike, or a Vespa.
6. When I read a review from a trusted blog, I immediately look in the library catalogue to see if it's available, and then I check Amazon.ca. Just in case I need confirmation to add to my TBR list.
7. I love reading review blogs and decide what to read, since I'm too short of time to peruse the library isle, our library is so busy with noisy kids. (not mine, they're angels) So I order on line and pick up from the hold isle which is really quick. I started to do this to "walk to the library" but now I take a bus. Offers me the opportunity to read on the bus. I've gained some weight.
8. If there is a book I want to read I usually wait a bit for a freebee copy at the painting studio. Those people have way too much money, and some of them buy in large print, double duty, I then have a copy I can put in the "retiree library"
9. I forget who recommends books I read, simply because I have no real system of recording it. I mark off Shonna's books, she's the Canadian Book Worm just because Shonna finds the most interesting Canadian authors, but after that I tend to forget. Sorry. And I really must try to record the source of the books I win. It's so embarrassing.
10. And the big one, I don't read much my sisters read, we have such different tastes, so I feel orphaned. Same mother, same father, I must have been abandoned and left on the door step.
That's really beautifully written.
Here's mine: http://tobisummers.blogspot.com/2012/08/teaser-tuesday-82812.html
Eloquently, descriptive teaser!
Great teaser. I'l need to add this one to my list.
I'm with you on the vampires and werewolves!
Great tease. I saw that SNL 50 Shades...it was hilarious. Still not reading the book though.
We have so much in common from your ten things! From no reading hyped books right away, to avoiding vampire & werewolf stories & family with different reading tastes (or not readers at all).
I totally agree with all written in your ten things list. We have same thoughts and wave length, You might just be my long lost soul sister. lol
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Dear Irene, this post confirms once again what I have said in the past: You are an original, an individual with individuality. And I say amen to that. xoxo
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