Friday, July 13, 2012

Postcard Friendship Friday...Paris

My sweet niece sent me this postcard from her recent adventures in Paris.  It's a vintage postcard of a postcard.  Interesting ! I'm presuming it's a wartime scene.  Love that she loves what I do.  Great choice. Thanks Paulina.  Have a wonderful weekend.
Postcard Friendship Friday is hosted by Beth from The Best Hearts Are Crunchy.

P.S.  If you see a post with errors and then suddenly see it gone and then back again, you'll know I caught an error or a type o.  Well I'm still using the key board that I've vacuumed some of the letters up and thus sometimes when I'm typing a letter just doesn't make it to post.


Iwi said...
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Beth Niquette said...

I adore this postcard--it is wonderful! These vintage postcards are so intriguing. This one especially.

I laughed over your comment about the keyboard. Been there, done that. lol ((hugs)) Have a wonderful day and thank you for joining us for PFF!

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

What an interesting postcard! I'm wondering what they are doing - loading barrels on to barges? Or off, maybe.

Paulina said...

Glad that I chose well;)

Snap said...

Wonderful vintage card and perfect for the Tour De France and Bastille Day! Happy PFF!

Heather said...

Nice of your niece to send you a card, and such a lovely one at that.

Clytie said...

This really is a wonderful card - I love that it's a postcard of a postcard!

I too giggled about the keyboard - I have very long fingers and quite often manage to hit two keys at once. That, plus the letters are completely worn off ... plus my cat tends to sit on my hands and I don't have the heart to dislodge her - so I just keep typing away!!!

Erica (Irene) said...

You have a nice send you such a beautiful vintage postcard of Paris. Love those vintage pics. Thanks for sharing Irene. have a great weekend.

bermudaonion said...

What a fabulous postcard and what a thoughtful niece!

Jenny said...

Paris! Dear Irene, you know how to make me dream. Oh and I've typed the paint right off many a keyboard.

Parabolic Muse said...

Okay, that's one of the neato-est postcards I've ever scene. I mean, seen!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.