Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Salon...

I know you see it's spring and Irene's Christmas ornaments are still in the living room, well they aren't,  I'm doing a Christmas in July workshop, and these are the planning stages. My cat has to be in the thick of things so he's making sure any ornaments that might roll away gets played with.

Things that WILL take me away from reading this week will include the badly neglected rose garden, and I'm at the last of my upholstery class, so I'll be cramming in some extra hours. I don't really want to bring home a slightly unfinished chair.  I fear I will not get to it in the summer and I tend to want to start something new in the fall session.  This fall will be the 25th anniversary of the Creative Festival and I plan on putting this chair in the show, and I'd really like to do a little pictorial book of the process.  That means I'll have to co-ordinate some of the pictures on to one computer.  I think the book title will be Take a Seat, Pop a Cork.  When you see the finished product you'll get "it".  I'm not sure the program I've chosen to complete this in will do it, but I'm a master of adaptability these days.

The other matters which will steal away my reading hours is quite simply a marvellous occasion, on Wednesday, June 6th, my baby will be celebrating a birthday, we did our family dinner out last night, since everybody was available.  But, we'll still want to pamper the dude on Wednesday.  AND this is the big one, I need to get to the cemetery and clean up some weeds.  I ripped out all the old bushes last fall and now I'm sure the crabgrass has taken over, and we've had a couple of day of rain so it'll be a jungle. 

I should have finished reading All Shall Be Well, but... people keep talking to me... It'll happen today though, I'm on the last few pages.  And then on to Every Last One, Anna Quindlen.

What will take you away from reading? 

I'm linking this up to Pet Pride.


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Your baby and my hubby share the same birthday! Happy birthday to him. :)

Your Christmas in July comment startled me a bit. I can't believe that next month is July!!

Annie said...

Irene, hope you have a great week.
Sorry my antique post was late, it is there now...some photos from the MET in NYC. Loved your antique post!

magiceye said...

Have fun on the 6th!

Jenners said...

Lots o children over at the house take me away from reading!

Erica (Irene) said...

Happy Birthday to your Baby ;-)I can't get any reading done here at all...we have a few High Park homes that we rent out the apartments so those gardens keep me busy all week.

Have a great day!!!!

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Your Christmas in July sounds great!!

Jenny said...

Oh dear Irene, simply everything takes me away from reading ... and yet I feel I am constantly reading! It just seems I never get to snuggle with a good book anymore, as I love to do. Anyway happy birthday to the splendid dude, hope you feted him in style and I'm sure you did. Happy upcoming anniversary to you and your beloved. And I really like that chair, can't wait to see the finished product and how clever of you to do a book.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.