Thursday, June 14, 2012

Every Last One... Anna Quindlen

I have to be honest, I read and read this book, and was actually quite bored with the first bits.  I could see what was coming.  What I couldn't see were the little twist that were just ever so slightly suggested in Mary Beth's thoughts.  I would have liked a little more.  A good book, certainly you'll need some tissues at certain spots.  And most of all you'll hope desperately that you never have to live through what Mary Beth Latham experiences. This is my first Anna Quindlen book, so she hasn't struck out with me just yet, so I will indeed read her again.



Jenners at Life with Books  does a whopping job of a real review of this book, it far surpasses anything I can suggest, and the book description is skimpy.


bermudaonion said...

It sounds like you didn't love it but you didn't hate it either. I'd like to try one of Quindlen's books.

Nise' said...

I have this one on my shelf and am intrigued as I've read reviews that allude to something terrible happening.

Jenny said...

Anna Quindlen ... the very name fills me with horror, dear Irene. She's such a far-left liberal, naturally every one of her books will be met with the highest possible praise by the mainstream literary reviewers. She is prolific but highly overrated so I'm not surprised one as astute and well-read as you were less than bowled over. Of course this is only my opinion, of which I have many, all of which can easily be ignored.

Shonna said...

I like her books, but haven't read this one yet.

Jenners said...

This just blew me away … but I listened to it on audio and it might have packed more of a punch that way.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.