Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday Snapshot... Bagel Butt

When I sat down on my little chair the other day, I was putting my shoes on, I noticed a little more hangover than usual.  I've hardly walked all winter, just t0o sore everywhere, and now that's it's a little warmer, I started again.  So this is one of the things I must control.  My husband brought home bagels this afternoon, look at the size of them, HUGE, I didn't measure their depth.  He keeps telling me he doesn't eat breakfast, he's JUST going to have a bagel... now I know why he has to sit on the couch to put on his shoes.  Have a great Saturday.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books


bermudaonion said...

That is a huge bagel!

Trish said...

Oh man - that's huge! Bagels can indeed be disastrous to a waistline, which is too bad because I do love them so.

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

I do enjoy bagels--but they definitely count as breakfast!

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

After doing the math (metric you know) I realize that that is a big bagle. Funny picture :-)
Keep walking!

Donna said...

That is a big one! Meanwhile, it seems that all of the food bottles, cans, and boxes are getting smaller!

Have fun with the walking, LOL.

Alyce said...

Yep, bagels are not a diet food! :) I learned that one the hard way my sophomore year of high school when I had a bagel addiction.

Jenners said...

That is one big bagel!

Bev Hankins said...

Yes...bagels are so dense they do add to waistline. Why is it that everything that tastes so good does? It would help if all the calories were in something like, say, celery. :-)

Here's my Snapshot.

JoAnn said...

Now THAT'S a bagel!...and definitely a breakfast, too ;-)

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

It looks yummy, and something we like to indulge with from time to time. Guess they super-sized that one.

Carol said...

Oh I do love a bagel, but they are so naughty.

Thank you for visiting my new wedding blog. It will not be quite as busy as my book blog, but hopefully I can share my wedding plans.

Have a great week.


Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

A timely reminder for me to get walking again soon.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Ha-ha...the visual reminders!

Thanks for sharing...and reminding me I need to amp up the exercise....

and thanks for visiting my blog.

Esme said...

Really a half foot bagel...they are very high in calories given they are so dense. Have you ever tried whole wheat wraps for sandwiches, I quite like them and you can heat them up and turn them into a queasidlla also.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

The title of this made me laugh out loud! When I was pregnant I ate bagels every day for breakfast but knew that when I wanted the weight off I'd have to kick them. Good luck! ;)

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

I have noticed that the bagels are getting bigger and bigger! I like to put lots of cream cheese on mine, so definitely NOT diet food.

Jenny said...

Dear Irene, could you be more depressing on a rainy Monday? Just kidding. We all need to forfeit bread most days, it is the most tempting thing on earth. I do love me a bagel and honestly I've never seen a superbagel till now. They'd better not start selling those here or I'm in trouble.

Annie said...

Oh, yum. Bagels. How I miss them. Can't seem to find them here at all. Maybe that is probably just as well, if they are so filling!

and maybe that was why I never lost any weight when I visited the little family when they were living in New York.

One day I'll have to make another trip,..just for the bagels! Or learn to make my own?

good to catch up here Irene. Don't know what I have been doing...busy helping the kids, while they try to buy a house. Some time soon they will settle I hope!

Parabolic Muse said...

It's a big shocker when you find out how many calories are in a bagel, and sometimes, lots of fat, too! They are really filling, so I can get by with half, but even so, it's got WAY too much in it!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.