Tuesday, May 29, 2012

For Today...Teaser Tuesday

FOR TODAY... Hosted @ The Simple Woman’s Daybook
Outside my window... it's hotter than Haitii

I am thinking... I should turn the air on, my husband will be complaining that it's too hot.

I am thankful...for a cool breeze.

From the learning rooms... I learned last week that I'm not sixteen, and can't finish everything I want to in one day, so this is day two in my husband's office.  It's shredding time. I did windows yesterday.

In the kitchen...General Tao Chicken with peppers and couscous

I am wearing...really comfy clothes, for cleaning

I am creating...WELL,  I'm creating order.  I hope!

I am going...no place.

I am wondering...can you die from a broken heart?  Last week during my visit with my mom, her table mate got very upset because my mom had me and her daughter was not there.  She speaks Italian mostly, with the odd word in English, it was heartbreaking for me, for all. Don't get me wrong, the daughter often is there when I'm there, just not that day. This is when I'm thankful my mother's dementia is so progressed that she doesn't seem to know what is happening. I understand completely how heart breaking it is not to see your child.  When my eldest moved out I thought I'd run out of tears. Now I'm just mad.

I am reading...All Shall Be Well, Deborah Crombie.
Here's my teaser: "Then we discovered that Jasmine had asked a young friend to help her commit suicide, but had backed out at the last minute, I ordered an autopsy."  Teaser Tuesday

I am hoping...to get the laundry done and finish this dang room, and my poor cat gets rid of all these hairballs, poor thing can't seem to get past it this season.  

I am looking forward to...getting back to my painting, it's really starting to look like something..

I am hearing...bird chirping, they NEVER shut up. They've had me awake since 4:30 a.m.  I've started to have evil thoughts. (yes, this is still the same from last week, they seem to have gotten stronger voices) I love animals but give me a break.  I had such a hard time hearing the 6p.m. news, I finally set my cat on them, of coarse he doesn't know what to do. But they quieted down for a bit.  Heaven forbid if I put the sprinkler on, their all have a shower.  It's like the local splash pad at my house.

Around the house...just stuff, 

I am pondering... adding another day between Sunday and Monday.

One of my favourite things...a newly cleaned room, desk tidy, no filing to do, for at least five minutes, you know when my husband comes home he'll have to stand at the entrance with his cases, and junk. What am I saying he'll be dumping them on the table.

A few plans for the rest of the week: same ole same ole, I'm off on retreat for Friday .

 Here are photos I'm sharing with you.

The corner of our pond, the Irises are in full swing and as you can see the water lilies are doing well also.
This is suppose to be my moonlight garden, I wanted a moonlight garden, because it's often dark before I sit to enjoy it.  Well! Those white flowers you see seduce me each spring.  They really are invasive, and you can't leave even one or this is what happens.  They look so good right now, but in a week it will be just a mess.  Last year I THOUGHT I pulled each one out.  What to do? And see those evergreens, well they were all planted at the same time and were the same size, some grew tall and some did not.  I think my only option is to have a gazebo built in that spot and hide the runts.  Wait till I tell handy Andy.

One of my favourite sayings... If you can't beat em' join em'.


Parabolic Muse said...

This truly is a heartbreaking moment, someone's daughter not coming to visit. I miss my mom.

If I could add a day between ANY two days, I would!

Dusty Miller is fabulous is the moonlight. Even in the daylight. This reminds me to plant some...

JC Jones said...

I don't think I could read your teaser book. It sounds too sad. I have some of the same problems in my garden. I just keep working and hope everything ends up looking OK. Here is my teaser: TT

KB said...

Good teaser.

Alyce said...

So sad about the Italian lady.

And the birds have been waking me up at the crack of dawn too - noisy starlings. I end up trying to cling to sleep as long as possible. I hope your birds take mercy on you soon!

Jenny said...

First, dear Irene, I can't believe you hadn't turned the air on yet! I can't bear to think of you up there sweltering. Also yes, I do believe you can die of a broken heart. The birdies chirping is so loud it bothers you? I have never heard of that. Interesting. And if you can get that eighth day put in between Sunday and Monday, I'll see to it you get some kind of really good prize. That is all!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.