Sunday, August 7, 2011

Look what handy Andy did...

I'm all the way down the hall with my painting.  A few years back when we painted after replacing our floors we had to remove our banisters and when we went to put them back not handy Andy either did this and won't admit to it or found a gaping hole behind the bracket that holds the handrail.  I need a handrail at the end of the day so it had to go back up, but what to do with the hole after you've already spent all your money on the floor.  Who you gonna call? Me. "find some hunk of wood to put here" he tells me, like h_ll I'm putting a hunk of wood there after painting like a mad women all the walls and trim.  So I found not handy Andy a decorative piece of wood I had made for one of those swing doors (always wanted one of those)

gaping hole behind handrail 

Well I couldn't just put a unpainted piece of wood on the wall. My friend Janice has been wanting to crackle her table top, so I took this opportunity to test out my skills.
piece of wood, painted soft black and crackle medium applied.
Of course  not handy Andy by now has escaped my "flip out" and retreated to the TV veiwing area.  After this piece dried, it took several hours, I applied a coat of the wall colour .
all crackled up, yea!
I couldn't just stop there.  You see I'm a leftover flower child, and here is how it ended up looking.


bermudaonion said...

I have to have a handrail too. I'm glad you found a solution!

Donna said...

What a pretty fix to a problem!

Jenny said...

I would never attempt such a thing although at the end of the day (and in the beginning and in the middle) I too need a handrail. You crackle me up, dear Irene!

Alyce said...

You are so creative! I never would have thought of that.

Annie said...

you are very resourceful.And artistic, Irene. And very busy by the looks. You are giving me some motivation to get going on some things around here!

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.