Outside my window....It's a somewhat snow covered day...
I am thinking... the Christmas Season went by too quickly.
I am thankful for...for closed stores and schools, so I could be with my boys
From the learning rooms...well, I'm going to attempt to remodel my mother's fur coat.
From the kitchen...chicken and potatoes, with spaghetti squash on the side.
I am wearing...house cleaning clothes
I am creating... some order I hope.
I am going...nowhere today, tomorrow's another story
I am reading....Going Solo, Rohld Dahl
I am hoping... to see my son this week, I miss him.
I am hearing....the washing machine trying to escape from the heavy load I've put in.
Around the house... un Christmasing my home this week, the tree comes down on the 6th and that should be it.

A few weeks ago my sisters and I volunteered at my mother's nursing home. We had a potato peeling party in preparation for a Christmas dinner. There is more to this event than anyone realizes, mostly we hear complaints of "why can't this be _______" So you can see there's dishes to wash, and 100 lbs. of potatoes to peel, salad to prepare, not to mention the 35 turkeys to bake and stuff. We were just a small part of the overall preparations. I understand the Recreation staff go out to eat their own Christmas dinners.
I am thinking... the Christmas Season went by too quickly.
I am thankful for...for closed stores and schools, so I could be with my boys
From the learning rooms...well, I'm going to attempt to remodel my mother's fur coat.
From the kitchen...chicken and potatoes, with spaghetti squash on the side.
I am wearing...house cleaning clothes
I am creating... some order I hope.
I am going...nowhere today, tomorrow's another story
I am reading....Going Solo, Rohld Dahl
I am hoping... to see my son this week, I miss him.
I am hearing....the washing machine trying to escape from the heavy load I've put in.
Around the house... un Christmasing my home this week, the tree comes down on the 6th and that should be it.
A few weeks ago my sisters and I volunteered at my mother's nursing home. We had a potato peeling party in preparation for a Christmas dinner. There is more to this event than anyone realizes, mostly we hear complaints of "why can't this be _______" So you can see there's dishes to wash, and 100 lbs. of potatoes to peel, salad to prepare, not to mention the 35 turkeys to bake and stuff. We were just a small part of the overall preparations. I understand the Recreation staff go out to eat their own Christmas dinners.
Un-Christmasing ... now there's a good term for it! I've got all the ornaments off the tree, classified into like piles on chairs and sofas. All the other decorations cover the big dining room table. This weekend I'll ask TG to get the storage bins down from the attic so I can put it all away for another year. He's working out of town this week. Your potato and chicken and spaghetti squash dinner sounds so GOOOOOOD!
I un-Christmased this week also. Actually a great deal of it got done over New Year's because I've been in a hurry to get my house in order. I've been painting rooms. My life needs a little color! Thank you so much dear friend for the Beautiful Christmas card. I hope your holiday was everything you hold dear to your heart.
35 turkeys...is a lot of turkey! whew!
Greta to catch up here Irene. I don't know what I have been doing, all these weeks, apart from having multiple kids and grand-kids around.
This is one form of posting I would like to take up in 2011. I will have to try it. I will also have to try to write more about the books I read.
Hi Irene,
buon anno !!!
Che questo 2011 sia un anno portatore di pace, salute e benessere economico per tutti !!!
In questa ultima settimana, ho avuto dei problemi con il computer di casa, e quindi dovevo postare molto velocemente con il computer dell'ufficio, per questo non ho potuto visitare tutti gli amici bloggers.
Un abbraccio :)
Il libro Musashi devo ancora inziare a leggerlo perchè devo ancora terminare quello che ho iniziato... e devo dirti che è veramente bellissimo.
( il titolo te l'ho scritto nel mio precedente post, se hai occasione, ti consiglio di comperarlo, perchè vale veramente la pena di leggerlo !! )
Ciao-oooooo Myriam :))
Hi Irene,
come procedono le cose oggi ?
Il disegno ed i colori mi piacciono molto... penso che in una camera ci starebbe molto bene una simile fantasia.
Buona serata.
Myriam :)
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