Tuesday, November 30, 2010

For today...

Outside my window....it's cool,and raining, mitten weather
I am thinking.... this is the end of my furniture rebuilding session before Christmas.
I am thankful for...comfortable shoes
From the learning rooms...hopefully I'll figure out how to keep the sanding bit in the dremel.
From the kitchen...nothing, I'm quitting today, meeting my son for supper.
I am wearing...jeans, and t shirt
I am creating...the remainder of my Christmas ornaments. It's a new design for me this year
I am going... finish cleaning my work room SOON
I am reading.... Lotus Eaters
I am hoping...to not get mugged when I go downtown today.
I am hearing....my son in the shower, and my husband turning up the volume accordingly.

Around the house... Not much, same ole same ole. I'm sharing this photo for you to enjoy.   When my family know I'm on my way home and the dishwasher needs to be unloaded they do a quick job, picture on left.  In the morning when I opened the drawer I just about lost my toes with the pots falling all over the place.  I fixed things up for the photo on the right. Thought I'd draw out the outline of the pots for future reference. What do you think?


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene :))
amo la foto di questo cane ...
E' tuo ?
Come si chiama ?
Tante coccole coccolose !!!
Grazie della visita ( però Jake è mio !!!!! )
Buona giornata e speriamo che tu non venga aggredita !
Myriam :)))

Annie said...

whew. I've finally managed to pop over and catch up here. Loved reading all your posts. First the BOOK...another whew! And the lace, and burgers. Very interesting.

still at the beach with daughter and family. fun. thanks for popping over for my beach posts!

Jenny said...

By all means draw the outline but don't expect them to follow it! That would only befuddle my family further. I NEVER found my rolling pin the other day ... had to borrow my neighbor's. Somebody has put it somewhere.

Glad to hear you still have toes and that you went out to supper instead of having to cook it, dear Irene!

Merry Christmas, luv!

bermudaonion said...

Oh my, I hope you don't get mugged too. Hopefully you were kidding with that one!

Susan Williamson said...

What a nifty post! You don't usually get to experience everything a blogger friend is experiencing, but today I did. Very original.

Jeanne said...

a dog to piss off the cat...hmmm sounds like an interesting idea. wonder how our two would take to that. hehe are you getting much cold weather yet? ours has turned pretty quickly with temps in the teens and single digits expected tonight.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.