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After reading several reviews regarding this book, I felt I just had to read it. The Devil's Punch Bowl, Greg Iles.
It's a thriller. Set in the post Katrina days in the Mississippi area. Penn is the main character, it's a cast of characters much like the "Delta Force". I kept envisioning Chuck Norris in the Kelly role. The story line is ugly, hard to believe humans could be so ugly to each other, but perhaps it's true. Tim and Penn are childhood friends, eventhough they have gone their separate ways. Penn of course is the successful Mayor of the small town they grew up in, and he's out to save the town, or at least he was, now he discovers all kinds of horrible things going on in the Casino the town thrives on. Tim is the inside guy that is going to break all the criminals wide open, or is he? I won't go on I think this is one you need to read for yourself, my review does not do it justice. And there's dogs, lots of dogs. and SEX ugly sex. And love and not so much romance.
This is not usually my choice of genre, I like happy little stories, the world is too difficult in reality , but I must say this story kept me glued to the pages. So I guess I liked it. I think the only thing I didn't like about the book was some the believabilty of "big brother watching" with the electronic signals and all, I'm not sure I believe a trace on a cell phone and gps things are so quickly achieved. I'm married to a cop after all and know how much time all of these things take. I do have to say it is making me think twice about going to a Casino, or at least I will be keeping my eyes opened when I do.
I'm going to give it a 4.999 stars.
Iles does tend to suck you in ... and I didn't think this was one of his best books! Though I agree that many aspects were unbelieveable ... I expect that from these types of books though!
Thanks for stopping by my blog Irene. I forgot to include the recipe for the frosting on those cookies, so I'll have to add it to my next post.
I Irene,
buona giornata, da me oggi il tempo è molto nuvoloso :-)
I've loved the Iles books I've read. No matter how long they are it never takes me too many days to finish them because I'm furiously flipping pages til all hours of the night!
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