Saturday, May 29, 2010

...and your mother makes you wear army boots!

Do you ever remember telling someone they were ugly and their mother made them wear army boot. We did it all the time, my sisters and I that is. Well today my pretty boy, with skinny feet, and very particular with his socks, "wears army boots" he's not ugly as a matter of fact, I'm not sure why the Queen didn't show for the graduation ceremony, but she was a no show, and missed my boy marching around. It's amazing, those sloppy, scrawny, students of 3 months ago, marched up and down, in sort of straight rows, and swinging their arms in unison. Everybody's shirts were tucked in, hair combed, shaved, the pants were in the waist, where they belong. And while I'm hating the prospects of a soldier in my family, he is wearing army boots on his skinny feet, and there is nothing I can do about it. So There!


Leslie Jane Moran said...

As I recall that sentiment, it was:

YOU are ugly and YOUR MOTHER wears army boots! Guess you'll have to borrow Daniels boots now!

Congrats to the grad!

me again said...

It's a scary/proud time for the parents, for sure. Congrats are definitely in order for making it through boot camp! :-)

Jenny Girl said...

Congrats on the grad :)

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Irene,
capisco benissimo il tuo pensiero su questi amati-odiati Boots !!
Da ragazza ( ora ne ho 47 ) spesso li indossavo e non c'era verso per mia madre di farmi indossare le scarpe con i tacchi !!
happy day :-)

Donna said...

So your son joined in the Army?! Somehow I missed this bit of news! Congrats are in order for him and his proud parents!

Jeanne said...

hehe I remember that saying as well. So hard to have our 'babies' grow up. Congrats to your son. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend Irene.

Sharon said...

Is it all about the boots? Is that why they call it 'boot camp'? Congratulations on your son's graduation and his commitment to something very difficult.
I don't think I'm younger than you but the footwear comments were aimed at the ugly, 'sensible' shoe.

Anonymous said...

I am very proud of my wonderful godson. He has taken on a committment that many do not. He comes from a generation of fine dedicated soldiers, his grandfather,being one. We are very proud of you Daniel. Wear those boots in good health and may God take care of you wherever those boots go. Love you, Ciocia Lusia.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.