Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A-Z Wednesday, "I" I am David

A-Z Wednesday is hosted by Vicki from Reading on the Beach, this weeks letter is I, do stop by and read the other participants posts, you never know when you could find your new favorite book. I am David.

The story of a young boy's journey through Europe after escaping from the camp where he had lived all his life. Sea, mountains and flowers, the colors of Italy, the taste of fruit, people laughing and smiling, all are new to David. And David learns that his polite manner, his haunted eyes and his thin features are strange to other people.

My thoughts:

Loved this book. I read it with my eldest son. He was in grade eight, and bored with the selection of classroom reading. We did a fair bit of research to find out when the events of this book were to have taken place. It was an all around pleasure to work through this with him. I recommend it to a young adult who likes historical fiction.


fredamans said...

Great choice!

Yvonne said...

This sounds really good!

Nise' said...

Sounds good. I like YAs.

Deb said...

Nice! Enjoy. My kitty has grown since the picture and can't fit in that basket but she is still beautiful. Thanks.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.