Suzanne from Quietfire Designs posts a weekly journal prompt.(Just in case I run out of things to say. I usually just write my own bit in my journal at my bedside, but this prompt inspired me to actually post it. This week Carol, from Where will you journey to? suggested this prompt.
Weekly Journal Prompt
March 12, 2010
If you were a character in a painting, which painting would it be, who would you be and why?
You could extend this perhaps by writing something of a back story for your chosen character.
On a day like today, all wet and rainy and damp, and I can hardly move without the aid of some Aleve, I'm so envious of the ladies who can dance.
So here it goes, If I could be a character in a painting, it would be in anyone of the Degas ballerina paintings. The ballet was one of Edgar Degas favorite subjects and so they all would be a most acceptable place for me to find myself in, alas at the size I am now I think I might even be too big for La Toilette, although I have my own version of that as well. One of these days I'll post it. I also have to confess I particularly loved this one, since it has that chair, and you know my obsession with chairs. Speaking of which I need a spring chair for my front hall. I guess even dancers have to sit and put their dancing slippers on.
It's been great fun to participate in Quietfire's prompt of the week, be sure to check out Suzanne's site. She has some very talented designers on her team, and her products are #1. Good think for my bank account that her shop is so far away, and I have to order on line, and I'm not so good at that. Here's Suzannes's blog, but I strongly urge you to check out the designers corner, and sign up for the journal prompts.
Very interesting Irene. Some of these really require thought. I like the title you chose for your post as well to go with this prompt.
I love dancing, but am not that great at it (and would love to be able to do ballet). I have some physical issues that come and go (due to hypothyroidism). I've been doing swing dance lessons with my husband, and so far it's been great. Yesterday though I had some symptoms flare up (joint & muscle pain). With dance lessons again tomorrow I'm really curious how it will go. I'll definitely be taking some ibuprofen.
I liked your answer to this prompt, and agree that Degas' ballerina paintings are special.
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