Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A-Z Wednesday " U" is for Undertow, Sue Grafton

I haven't read this book, I actually haven't read a Sue Grafton since A is for Alibi, but one of the sweet little ladies in the Seniors home who reads constantly asked for it, and as I'm the purchasing person, I thought I'd check it out, just so I can discuss this one with this sweet little person.

Welcome to A-Z Wednesday!!

To join, here's all you have to do: Go to your stack of books and find one whose title starts with the letter of the week.


1~ a photo of the book

2~ title and synopsis

3~ link(amazon, barnes and noble etc.)

4~ Come back here and leave your link in the comments.

If you've already reviewed this book you can add it also.

Be sure to visit other participants to see what book they have posted and leave them a comment.

(We all love comments, don't we?)

Who knows? You may find your next "favorite" book.



gautami tripathy said...

I picked it up a while back. Will get around it soon.

A-Z Wednesday: The Undertaker's Widow by Phillip M. Margolin

Beth said...

I have never read Sue Grafton. Here is my "U" book.

Sherrie said...

I love Sue Grafton's Alphabet Series. I am to the letter D. So I have some catching up to do. Have a great day!

Just Books

Yvonne said...

I've never read Sue Grafton, but I've heard so many great things about this series. There's just too many of them for me to catch up.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this series. I might do them for the "Support Your Local Library Challenge"!

Thanks for playing!

Joyful said...

Sounds profound.

My `U` is here:

Kristen said...

Not really a mystery person but it is convienent that Grafton has done an alphabetical series, isn't it? ;-)

My U book is here.

me again said...

What a coincidence....I'm sitting here staring at this very book. I plan to start it tonight :-)

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.