Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A-Z Wednesday "Q" Quentins

Vicki from Reading at the Beach is hosting A-Z Wednesday, and today's letter is "Q"

I'm sure I could have chosen another Q book, but this is one of Maeve's I started with, by chance I might add. I was standing in line for uniforms for my eldest son, in the hot August sun, and another mom was just finishing it, and she asked me if I'd like it. Of course I never say no to a free book. The line was very long, and I got so into the book it really didn't matter, after I'd finished it, I had to go out and get a few more, so I would know what was happening with the other characters of Ireland. I always picture "Carolina's" like Quentin's except with a lot less class. I'd love to get a Restaurant makeover for Carolina's, no adjustment in menu need to be done, just perhaps "real" wait staff. Anyway Quentin's was a familiar place to me, and I loved it.



Michelle said...

This book sounds interesting.
Oh, I Love FREE, as in FREE books.
I also like your saying under your profile.
I enjoyed visiting and have decided to follow you.

Annie said...

Sounds interesting Irene..but in fact only read one or two of her books (and did enjoy them) and after that I am not sure what happened but I couldn't get into them again..maybe life got a little busy there...and still is unfortunately.

Thanks for the comment on skywatch. Glad you liked the helicopter...I wasn't even sure that I managed to get it...just aimed the camera in the air and clicked! And was surprised to see I had indeed captured it!

Susan Williamson said...

There's something comforting about reading Maeve Binchy. Reading your blog tonight is making me long for a comfy couch and a library full of books I haven't read yet.

me again said...

I at first thought I'd read this, but now I'm sure I haven't. Another one to add to the tbr pile!

Beth F said...

I haven't read any of her books . . . yet!

Wanted to say thanks for joining the What's in a Name Challenge. I love the titles of the books you have listed in the sidebar.

beth said...

I have several of her books on my to-read shelves, so maybe this will get me to actually read one. That was a serendipitious choice.

Beth said...

I have a lady I work with that loves Maeve Binchy and is alway recommending her to me. Hopefully, one day I'll get around to it.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.