Thursday, March 12, 2009

keeping busy...

Unless we were deathly ill, there was no sitting around in my mother's house, and even the deathly ill was up for question. Anyway, today's adventure, much like the other days is to tidy away all those little bits that I have lying around. I've got this bin labelled embellishments. I've even sub-categorized them into books that I though I would use them in. This category happens to be a women's place. Can you imagine my mother hanging on to all this, and now I'm hanging on to it. I believe these are bra clips, yes she must have made her own bras. I'm sure there will be more of this sort of thing. Yesterday I sorted through one of the many bags of religious literature that she collected over the years, I have no idea what to do with it all, but I guess I'll have to find a home. Throwing it out is not an option. Since I've been ill, I've had these strange cravings, so check out my cooking blog for an interesting dinner.


Anonymous said...

Irene, cravings you say! Are you pregnant? I hope it you don't have eight!!!

Irene said...

I'm quite sure that is not possible. The Valentine's Dance wasn't that good.

Annette said...

isn't it fun to go through things that people have given us? I love to!! and for the's because our bodies are wanting something in that particular food, once when I was soooo sick I wanted lover & onions and brouselle sprouts!!, but I am going to check out your food page =)
Hope you start feeling good soon my sweet friend, Thank you for the lovely comment on my children.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my wonderful son,  it's bee 33wonderful years. Hope this year proves to be the best yet.